Como diseñadora que soy, me gusta rayar dibujitos mientras estoy pensando. De repente esos dibujitos se convirtieron en hongos. Sí, hongos! Empecé a dibujar hongos por todos lados al mismo tiempo que descubrí el mundo de las manualidades, coincidencia? Mmmm, no creo. Como dos nuevos amigos que se conocieron... hongo, te presento a manualidades... manualidades, este es hongo...y zas! se cayeron tan bien que ahora se hacen llamar Mushmellow.
As every graphic designer, I love doodling while I'm thinking. Suddenly, my doodles became mushrooms. Yes, mushrooms! I started drawing mushrooms everywhere, at the same time I was discovering the handcrafting world, coincidence? Mmmm, I don't think so. As two new friends that meet...mushroom, I present you handcrafts...handcrafts, this is mushroom...and bam! they hit it off so well that now they call themselves Mushmellow.
As every graphic designer, I love doodling while I'm thinking. Suddenly, my doodles became mushrooms. Yes, mushrooms! I started drawing mushrooms everywhere, at the same time I was discovering the handcrafting world, coincidence? Mmmm, I don't think so. As two new friends that meet...mushroom, I present you handcrafts...handcrafts, this is mushroom...and bam! they hit it off so well that now they call themselves Mushmellow.
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